German version below Tales of A Marine Scientist Growing up, I have always been fascinated by the sea- this endless beautiful body of water. People loved to go to the beach for recreation, but I always wanted to see what the sea brought to land-shells, plants, shoes. It was a different kind of love. So, […]
#MSM106 Floating University -Come Along – My First Research Cruise Experience
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be part of a research cruise? Ever since I joined the WASCAL master’s program in Climate Change and Marine Sciences, I have earnestly been waiting for the program’s shipboard training component. My expectations prior to the cruise were quite high as I could not wait to immerse […]
>deutsche Fassung siehe weiter unten< It is unbelievable that around Cabo Verde, there exists a large expanse of blue water bigger than a River. The research voyage on the R/V MARIA S. MERIAN began on February 26, 2022 and we are still excited and impressed by the famous big blue ‘water body’ that is called OCEAN. […]
#MSM106 WASCAL Floating University-Our excitement prior to Cruise
>German version below< The research trip on R/V MARIA S. MERIAN was scheduled to start on the 26th of February, 2022 and we were all excited and couldn’t wait to get started. This cruise being one of the scholarship packages of Climate Change and Marine Sciences under WASCAL motivated most of us and raised our […]
#MSM106 WASCAL Floating University – from white to blue
>German version below< It’s kind of crazy that you want to investigate the oceans and have to go to the mountains first. Huh, why is that? I haven’t quite understood it yet myself , but that is what I did.Due to the Corona pandemic, it is unfortunately no longer so easy to explore the ocean […]
SO287-CONNECT: Patience is Key
The cruise is coming to an end, and there are 8 days left until we enter the port of Guayaquil. While some of the measurements on board can be read out directly and preliminary interpretations are presented during the cruise, there are also a lot of samples that can only be analyzed in the laboratory […]
AOD Comic: Wellengleichungen im Wassertank
Die wohl beste Zusammenfassung unserer Bemühungen im letzten Semester, Studierenden einen anderen, praxisbezogeneren, letztlich schlicht spaßigeren Zugang zu Atmosphären- und Ozeandynamik (AOD) zu bieten, stammt von Johanna Knauf:
Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, Monday morning 8 a.m.
Here we go, a full week of exciting science presentations lies ahead of us. The Ocean Sciences Meeting is a large scientific conference devoted entirely on new discoveries in ocean physics, biology, chemistry, … from hot topics in the tropics to cool stuff in the rapidly changing polar regions. About 5,000 scientists from around the […]
ENSO Crafternoon – building recharge oscillator models to understand fundamental ENSO dynamics
by Joke Lübbecke The El Niño – Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a climate phenomenon that entails pronounced warm or cold surface anomalies in the eastern equatorial Pacific and has impacts on the weather around the globe. In a master level class students are introduced to some fundamental theories about ENSO. One of them, the so-called […]
#MOSESeddyhunt: Neues von der Stemme/News from the Stemme
(English below) Hier kommt ein Update von der Stemme-Crew. Diesmal aus unserer neuen “Zentrale” auf Fogo! Gestern sind wir mit den wichtigsten Teilen der Ausrüstung von der Insel Sal nach Fogo umgezogen. Da die Fähre wegen der großen Wellen nicht lief, sind wir alle mit dem Flugzeug geflogen. Leider sind einige unserer Geräte nicht angekommen, […]