Die Erste Forschungfahrt

von Albert Firus und Laurenz van Bonn (GEOMAR) Während die F/S SONNE die ersten Messstationen rund um den Äquator hinter sich lässt und weiter hineinfährt in den Golf der Bengalen, haben Techniker*innen, Wissenschaftler*innen und Crew an Bord alle Hände voll zu tun. Während das für die einen schon fast Alltag ist, wie zum Beispiel für […]

Our First Research Expedition

By Albert Firus and Laurenz van Bonn (GEOMAR) As the SONNE leaves the first measurement station around the equator behind and continues further into the Bay of Bengal, technicians, scientists, and crew on board are quite busy. While for some this is almost routine, such as our technician Mario, who is on his 36th cruise already, […]

The World of Atmospheric Aerosols

by Dr. Arun Babu Suja Greetings from the high seas by the TROPOS scientific team! Our mission during the BIOCAT-IIOE2 cruise is to delve into the fascinating world of atmospheric aerosols – those tiny particles suspended in the air – and unlock their secrets. These tiny particles suspended in the air hold immense significance in […]

Welcome Aboard SO305: BIOCAT-IIOE 2

On 9 April 2024, 39 scientists from esteemed institutions such as the University of Hamburg, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR), Helmholtz Centre hereon, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), and Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS) embarked on the research vessel Sonne for the BIOCAT-IIOE 2 (SO305) research expedition. The team comprises experts […]


As part of our cruise MSM126 focus on the “jellyweb”, we are also interested in siphonophores. Even in the vast and mysterious world of marine life teeming with peculiar inhabitants, these distinctive creatures stand out. While they share similarities with jellyfish, particularly in having stinging cells known as cnidocysts, they do not look much like […]

An intersection of art and science

by Karen Osborn I am a marine biologist because of the to infrequent time at sea and my fascination with the animals that inhabit our ocean.  There was a time though that I considered following a different path, that of an artist.  Though I chose science and leave painting and sculpture to my almost nonexistent […]

An der Schnittstelle von Kunst und Wissenschaft

Von Karen Osborn Ich bin Meeresbiologin, weil ich gerne auf See bin und mich die Tiere, die unsere Ozeane bewohnen, faszinieren. Es gab jedoch eine Zeit, als ich mir durchaus vorstellen konnte, einen ganz anderen Weg einzuschlagen, den Weg der Künstlerin. Obwohl ich mich für die Wissenschaft entschieden habe (und das Malen und die Bildhauerei […]

Yay! Yo-Yo!

It’s ten o’clock in the evening, the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN is moored off the coast of Madeira. The bridge gives the announcement: “On station in about ten minutes”. And off we go for another night of yo-yo CTD cruising. As we mentioned in a previous blog post, today we’re diving deep into why […]