Under the sea, under the sea … are there only carbonates waiting for me? After a very successful first week of dredging and seafloor mapping on the M191 expedition, the team of scientists onboard the R/V Meteor entered their second week in lower spirits. Sea conditions deteriorated for two days, which introduced some of us […]
What have we been up to? Week 1 Review
Adios España … Transiting to our working area Throughout our 3.5-day transit from Algeciras to our first submarine volcano site, the M191 science team had time to ease into the official work load and shift system by getting started on several tasks before the official rock sampling and seafloor mapping duties began. Whilst some of […]
M191 Expedition: Introducing the Scientists
On the 15th of July, 2023, 15 European scientists from 7 different insitutions boarded the R/V Meteor in Algeciras, Spain for the M191 expedition, where they shall investigate submarine volcanism in the western Sicilian Channel (SUAVE) for 3 weeks. The research cruise is expected to end in Piraeus, Greece on the 5th of August. Time […]
PART 2 The Boys are back in Town
+++english version below+++ Der nächste Reiseabschnitt begann mit einem überraschenden Twist – Im Zoll verschollen geglaubte Seismometer, standen nun doch zur Abholung im Hafen von Vancouver bereit – den wir aber bereits verlassen hatten. Es wurde beschlossen, dass wir außerplanmäßig eine zweitägige Detour nach Vancouver antreten würden. Wie ich im bereits gesagt habe – sei […]
QA Marine Mammal Protection and mitigation measures for SO294
Deutsche Fassung siehe unten 1. What steps are you taking to make sure this research doesn’t pose a risk to marine mammals in the area? The project is taking stringent measures to ensure the safety of marine mammals during the operation of our instruments and research activities. Airguns are acoustic devices that emit sound waves […]
Part 1: Setting Sails in Vancouver
The CLOCK is set for SO294 +++english version below+++ Nachdem ein erster Voraustrupp am 09&10. September unter Hochdruck den Großteil des Geräteaufbaus auf dem FS SONNE gestemmt hat, erreicht auch der Haupttrupp Vancouver am 12. September. Um 2 Uhr morgens legt die RV SONNE am Dienstag, 13, September, ab mit dem Team von SO294 an […]
Organisatorischer Endspurt vor Abreise
Jasmin und Anne organisierten bereits zahlreiche Forschungsfahrten für den Fachbereich Dynamik des Ozeanbodens – ob nach Papua-Neuguinea zur Erforschung von Flankenkollapsen an Vulkaninseln, ins Mittelmeer auf der Suche nach submarinen Süßwasser Aquiferen oder bereits 2015 die erste GeoSEA Ausfahrt SO244 in den Pazifik. Doch selten waren so viele Vorabreiten wie für diese Expedition notwendig. Gesundheitserklärung […]
Enjoy Kieler Woche with the ‘Open Ship’ on Alkor today (Fr., 22nd June 2018)! At 15:00 we will be streaming live from IODP Expedition 376 Brothers Arc Flux aboard the DV JOIDES Resolution. When else do you have a chance to learn about our drilling operations at the other side of the globe?! https://www.geomar.de/service/veranstaltungen/einzelansicht/article/22062018-open-ship-2018-auf-fs-alkor/
Our first sampling party and the end of Hole U1528D
Latitude: 38.872°S Longitude: 178.940°E Days at sea: 40 The last week on the JOIDES Resolution was very exciting! Another storm hit us with wave heights up to 4.3 m. This meant we had to stop our operations and were “WOWing” (waiting on weather) again. While, usually, this is a time we mostly spend writing […]
Sustainable Drilling
Latitude: 34.882º S Longitude: 179.068º E Days at sea: 12 The last few days were quite successful. We managed to drill more than 200 metres into the northwestern rim of the Brothers caldera and retrieved some wonderful cores. Fresh lava for us igneous petrologists and vocanologists, altered rocks for our alteration specialists and sulphides for […]