Experimente an Bord

Geschrieben von Clara Winguth, Masterstudentin am GEOMAR Übersetzung von Josefine Karnartz, Doktorandin am GEOMAR Wenn ihr schon mal einen Blick auf die biologischen Ozeanographie-Wissenschaftler*innen auf der SO307 geworfen habt, sind euch vielleicht unsere modischen Polar-Anzüge aufgefallen, während wir uns in die rot beleuchteten Klimalabore zurückziehen. Und dabei dachtet ihr euch: „Was geht hier denn ab?“ […]

Experiments on Board

Written by Clara Winguth, Master’s student at GEOMAR. If you’ve caught a glimpse of the biological oceanography scientists on SO307, you may have noticed us rocking some fashionable polar jumpsuits, disappearing into the red-lit climate labs and thought to yourself, ‘what is going on here?’ Well, lucky for you, I’m here to give you the […]

Aliens from the deep

Written by Dr. Carsten Lüter, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. The deep sea is full of weird looking creatures which through the course of evolution have adapted to the inhospitable conditions of their environment such as eternal darkness, low temperatures, high pressure and the erratic availability of food. We biologists onboard the SONNE are particularly interested […]

Aliens aus der Tiefe

Geschrieben von Dr. Carsten Lüter, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. Die Tiefsee ist voll mit seltsam anmutenden Wesen, die sich im Laufe der Evolution an die unwirtlichen Bedingungen dieses Lebensraums angepasst haben: ewige Dunkelheit, tiefe Temperaturen, hoher Druck und sporadische Verfügbarkeit von Nahrung. Wir Biologen an Bord der SONNE sind sehr daran interessiert, diese Diversität der […]


As part of our cruise MSM126 focus on the “jellyweb”, we are also interested in siphonophores. Even in the vast and mysterious world of marine life teeming with peculiar inhabitants, these distinctive creatures stand out. While they share similarities with jellyfish, particularly in having stinging cells known as cnidocysts, they do not look much like […]

Yay! Yo-Yo!

It’s ten o’clock in the evening, the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN is moored off the coast of Madeira. The bridge gives the announcement: “On station in about ten minutes”. And off we go for another night of yo-yo CTD cruising. As we mentioned in a previous blog post, today we’re diving deep into why […]

Forensics in the sea

We explore the entire tree of life on the research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN: animals, algae, bacteria, and viruses. The cruise focuses on the food web and ocean biodiversity. However, some animals, especially hunters such as squid and whales, are too big, fast or camera-shy for our instruments. To detect these top predators, we search […]


Exciting plankton creatures have been making their way into the laboratories on board RV Merian since we left Funchal almost two weeks ago. Several scientists and engineers from German, Portuguese and US institutions set up shop in the chemistry, dry and deck labs on the main deck to prepare for plankton sampling and analysis. Since […]