from MiningImpact Blog

BOBO and the 7 (+7) dwarfs: How to sense the deep sea

Sensor platform with a optical backscatter sensor an an ADCP.

by Sabine Haalboom (NIOZ) The first half of the cruise has passed and we’ve finished the baseline studies in the Belgian license area. Doing my PhD research in marine geology at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ), my main interest is the particle dynamics in the bottom boundary layer (i.e. the layer close […]

from MiningImpact Blog

Schätze der Tiefsee / Treasures of the Deep

Manganknollen aus dem deutschen Lizenzgebiet in der CCZ. (Abb 1)

(English below) Manganknollen – Entstehung und wirtschaftliche Relevanz von Jessica Volz, Sophie Paul und Julia M. Otte Während der ersten globalen Forschungsexpedition der HMS Challenger in den 1870er Jahren wurde das große Ressourcenpotential der Tiefsee deutlich. An Bord der HMS Challenger wurden zahlreiche unbekannte marine Organismen sowie mineralische Konkretionen vom pazifischen und atlantischen Meeresboden, die […]

from MiningImpact Blog

SO268: What’s up on the seabed?

Manganese nodules with a sponge in the Clarion Clipperton Zone. Photo: ROV KIEL 6000/GEOMAR

At the bottom of the Ocean, in ~4000m water depth they can be found in high abundances: Manganese nodules. Industry and states are interested in these potato-sized objects as a new metal resource. But before commercial mining will start, the potential ecological impacts need to be investigated. Therefore, the project MiningImpact (funded through JPI Oceans) […]

from IODP 376 Blog

This is the end …

Not quite yet but the end of the expedition (EoX in IODP language) is in sight. We are now in our eighth week of the expedition and thus all of us are looking forward to get back on land and even more to get back home to our families and friends (not that we wouldn’t […]

from IODP 376 Blog


Enjoy Kieler Woche with the ‘Open Ship’ on Alkor today (Fr., 22nd June 2018)! At 15:00 we will be streaming live from IODP Expedition 376 Brothers Arc Flux aboard the DV JOIDES Resolution. When else do you have a chance to learn about our drilling operations at the other side of the globe?!

from IODP 376 Blog

WOWing and drilling progress

Latitude: 34.882°S Longitude: 179.068°E Days at Sea: 32 In the last post, Karen mentioned the term ‚WOWing‘. The term is actually an abbreviation for ‘Waiting-On-Weather’ and means that the weather and/or the seas are too rough to continue with our operations. This happened already a few times during our Expedition, the last time on Thursday. […]

from IODP 376 Blog

The life of a core

May 27, 2018 Latitude: 34° 52.52’S Longitude: 179°03.52’E Days at sea: 19 Let’s follow a core that gets on deck of the JOIDES Resolution. It has to endure a lot of procedures before it is allowed to relax in its d-tube, where it waits for shipping to the storage facility in Japan. After the core […]

from IODP 376 Blog

Between a rock and a hard place…

Just as most scientists, geologists spend most of their working time in front of a computer (i.e., the hard place) – sometimes interrupted by some time in the lab, depending on your specialty. The best thing about Geology though is that we have to go into the field or on research cruises like this one, […]

from IODP 376 Blog

At Site U1527 and drilling

May 10, 2018 Latitude: 34.867° S Longitude: 179.061° E Days at sea: 2 On Wednesday (May 9) morning, we left the port of Auckland and started our transit to Brothers Volcano. The seas were calm and the weather warm and sunny. Thus, the 24h transit was very smooth, there were no issues with seasickness and […]