from MiningImpact Blog

Location, Location, Location

Fig 1: Working area of SO268. For more information see below.

Working areas and sampling sites during cruise SO268 of RV SONNE by Timm Schoening (GEOMAR) and Peter Urban (GEOMAR) RV SONNE cruise SO268-2 followed in the footsteps of the first leg of this expedition – SO268-1. We continue to sample the diverse seafloor in two main working areas within the Clarion-Clipperton-Zone (North-East Pacific). Our scope […]

from MiningImpact Blog

Schätze der Tiefsee / Treasures of the Deep

Manganknollen aus dem deutschen Lizenzgebiet in der CCZ. (Abb 1)

(English below) Manganknollen – Entstehung und wirtschaftliche Relevanz von Jessica Volz, Sophie Paul und Julia M. Otte Während der ersten globalen Forschungsexpedition der HMS Challenger in den 1870er Jahren wurde das große Ressourcenpotential der Tiefsee deutlich. An Bord der HMS Challenger wurden zahlreiche unbekannte marine Organismen sowie mineralische Konkretionen vom pazifischen und atlantischen Meeresboden, die […]

from MiningImpact Blog

SO268: What’s up on the seabed?

Manganese nodules with a sponge in the Clarion Clipperton Zone. Photo: ROV KIEL 6000/GEOMAR

At the bottom of the Ocean, in ~4000m water depth they can be found in high abundances: Manganese nodules. Industry and states are interested in these potato-sized objects as a new metal resource. But before commercial mining will start, the potential ecological impacts need to be investigated. Therefore, the project MiningImpact (funded through JPI Oceans) […]

from SO267 ARCHIMEDES Blog

The Archimedes-I cruise: back to port

+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ All good things come to an end and so is the Archimedes-I cruise. For 48 days, 39 scientists and 31 crew members were onboard of the RV Sonne, cruising the Lau Basin in the south-west Pacific. The cruise was one of a kind because in […]

from SO267 ARCHIMEDES Blog

The ARCHIMEDES-I cruise: full of surprises

+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ The busy days of OBS deployment and recovery are long passed. We recovered the last station on the 21st of December and all the 48 stations are now standing happily on the deck in the back of the vessel, waiting for their next deployment. The […]

from SO267 ARCHIMEDES Blog

ARCHIMEDES-I cruise: ready for take-off

+++ Für die deutsche Version, bitte nach unten scrollen +++ On the 10th of December 2018, 39 scientists with 7 different nationalities safely embarked the German research vessel RV ‘SONNE’. The harbour of embarkment, Suva, Fiji, is for most scientists literally the other side of the world. There are many roads that lead to Fiji. […]

Expedition POS527 ist unterwegs

Absetzen des MPI Landers. Photo: Allison Schaap

Die Expedition POS527 mit dem Forschungsschiff POSEIDON zur Goldeneye Region in der Nordsee ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil des STEMM-CCS Projektes. Ausrüstung und Abreise Startpunkt für die Expedition war am 14. August 2018 in Kiel. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer reisten vom Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK), vom National Oceanography Centre Southampton (UK), vom MPI Marine Microbiology (Bremen), […]