from Meeresrauschen Blog

Kopffüßer auf dem Vormarsch

Riesensepia in Australien. Bild: Scott Portelli, Wildlife Photographer, @scott.portelli.jpg

Tintenfische, sogenannte Kopffüßer, scheinen derzeit die großen Gewinner des sich wandelnden Ozeans zu sein. Wie ein internationales Forscherteam nun herausfand, hat die Zahl der Oktopusse, Sepien und Kalmare über die letzten sechzig Jahre stark zugenommen. Das gilt nicht nur für alle der über dreißig untersuchten Arten, sondern konnte auch gleichzeitig in allen großen Ozeanbecken weltweit […]

from Game Blog

New GAME topic: Grazing in a warmer world. Apply now for 2017!


The project in 2017 will focus on possible interactive effects between warming and grazing in marine benthic systems. Will invertebrate grazers such as isopods, sea urchins and snails consume more algal biomass when water temperatures will rise in the course of global warming? If yes, will this effect be consistent across climate zones? Furthermore, can […]

To the Seafloor and Back

Our eyes and tool for the deep sea: Hybis. / Unsere Augen und Werkzeug in der Tiefsee: Hybis. (© AUV-Team)

“Bridge for lab. We reached the bottom.” Two clicks in the walky-talky: the confirmation from the bridge. In the lab, on boxes, tables, and even on the floor gather the scientists around the screen, on which fine lines slowly appear, and on which a blue-grey turns into a pale yellow. Dark spots become rocky boulders, […]

from Game Blog

News from Wales – here comes the first team blog in 2016


  Our GAME journey, which started with an introductory course in Kiel, Germany, in March led us, Kyra and Nadine, to the small but beautiful Wales. After we started in the early-morning hours in Kiel, our train trip took us to Hamburg, Cologne, Brussels, London and finally to Bangor – or Gwynedd in Welsh. Not […]