Stormy Days

Stormy days in the Indian Ocean. Photo: Matthias Krüger

05.30 am. I wake up by a sudden shake in my bed and my clock tells me it’s time to get up and take the underway (also known as underwater or whatever) sample. I’m trying to get through my cabin without being smashed against the chairs and table by the 4m waves outside.  At 7.30 […]


SO235 – Stormy start

Cruisetrack SO235. Stefan Meinecke, RV SONNE

The new cruise SO235 finally started on 23.07.2014 with a 6 hour delay leaving Port Louis/ Mauritius. All instruments were set up, waiting to be operated. With 24 scientific crew members on-board we feel well equipped for the upcoming tasks. Today, we had ship introductions and work group meetings to get prepared for the upcoming […]

from Klimale Blog

Programm zur Klimale 2014

Bild: T.Hoss

  Mit dem heutigen Tag beginnt die 30. Kalenderwoche des Jahres 2014. Mehr noch: diese Woche ist Klimale Woche! Pünktlich dazu hier nun das langersehnte Programm:   Programm Montag, 21. Juli, 19 -20:30 UhrSchönberg, Tourist-Service,Käptn’s Gang 1 Klimawandel – auch in der Kieler Bucht?Über den Kenntnisstand zu Auswirkungen des Klimawandels an der Deutschen Ostseeküste referiert […]


SO234-2: Second Weekly Report

Drifter and fin whale on 17/07/2014 (Photo: Folkard Wittrock).

14.07-20.07.2014 (Port Louis / Mauritius) Here is the second and last weekly report from our SPACES (“Science Partnerships for the Assessment of Complex Earth System Processes”) SONNE SO234-2 cruise, a training and exchange trip between students of southern Africa and Germany, funded by the BMBF as part of the OASIS (“Organic very short-lived substances and their air-water exchange from […]


Hearing the students’ perspectives on our science

Student presentations at SONNE conference room. Photo: Folkard Wittrock.

Today was the big day…after an intensive 48 hour station and lots of data workup (and cramming information into their brains), the students finally gave their presentations. They were tasked with interpreting the data from their own station and presenting it in 10 minutes to the entire scientific party. We (the “scientists”) were all eagerly […]


Approaching the End

View over the Indian Ocean. Photo: Matthias Krüger

After finishing the 48 h station, we celebrated our successful and hard work with a table tennis tournament, which was challenging because of a high swell of 4 m. As the ball was missing a fixed reference frame, the movements of the ship had to be well anticipated. The swell was a hard competitor, or […]

from Ocean Navigator Blog

Navigators Wochenbericht: Sommer(schulen), SONNE und Brasilien (natürlich…)

Labor statt Strand: Die Teilnehmer der 8. Sommerschule für Marine Geowissenschaften waren begeistert. Foto: J. Steffen

Vielleicht ist es dem einen oder anderen ja aufgefallen – in der vergangenen Woche hat unser Wochenbericht eine Pause eingelegt. Wir bitten das zu entschuldigen. Die beginnende Urlaubszeit hat voll zugeschlagen. Aber bis Sonntagnacht haben sowieso andere Themen das öffentliche Interesse auf sich gezogen… Und, klar, auch uns hat der Fifa World Cup in Brasilien […]


Adjourning the 48 hr station work

An average temperature of 15 °C, 82 % humidity, overcast skies, light showers here and there, and a vague rainbow are the conditions of today. But this day is not just any day; it’s the marking of the end of the voyage’s 48 hr station!!!! This CTD was a bit time consuming then usual as […]