from Game Blog

Iceland or rather the land of endless summer day light

Hæ frá Ísafirði! We are Marlene and Julia, both from Germany and 24 years old, and together we are Team Iceland. Our adventure in this year’s GAME project unfolds in the breathtaking landscape of Iceland’s Westfjords. More specifically in the charming town of Ísafjörður – the capital of the Westfjords – with about 2.700 inhabitants. […]

from Diversity Blog

Wertschätzung und Zusammenarbeit: Intergenerational bitte! / Appreciation and Collaboration: Intergenerational, Please!

von Lilly Rosenkranz ————————————————–english version below——————————————————————– Im öffentlichen Diskurs nehmen intersektionale Perspektiven häufig die Diversitätsdimensionen Geschlecht, Race und Klasse in den Fokus. Neben diesen viel- und auch notwendigerweise diskutierten Dimensionen spielt auch das Lebensalter in sozialen In- oder Exklusionsprozessen eine Rolle. Werden Menschen aufgrund ihres Alters ausgegrenzt oder benachteiligt, wird von Altersdiskriminierung gesprochen. Im englischsprachigen […]

from Ocean Voices Blog

The Second Sight of Science

I was probably about thirteen years old. I wanted to put pasta into a pot of boiling water, when I suddenly stopped and stared at the bubbling liquid. It’s not like I had never seen boiling water before, but I had never seen it like this. Instead of just noticing the movement and the steam […]

Rudy the Rock

Hey, I’m Rudy… The Rock! I am willing to tell you about my first crazy contact with what is called “human” scientists (quite different to my usual rocky neighbors). The last million years, it was calm and silent since my eruption birth at Conical Seamount. We lived in a peaceful stony community at 1400m below […]

from Game Blog

No rest for the undeployed

Snorkelling through colourful coral reefs, diving into the deep unknown, and cruising through ice and snow on research vessels such as Polarstern. These are activities that most of you will probably expect if you hear that we are budding marine biologists. And honestly, this is also what we had in mind when we started pursuing […]