…from the depth of the ocean. Thousands of microscopic organisms are swimming around, either to catch some food or just hanging out in the currents and enjoying the silence. Planktonic organisms are an important part of the ocean’s ecosystem and during our expedition we want to learn as much as possible about them. Since we […]
Why we are here – Videolog Folge/Episode 2 (Deutsch/English Subtitles)
Chief scientist Dirk Nürberg speaks about the goals of the research expedition to the Emperor seamount chain and introduces the different scientist and their different disciplines. (filmed and edited by Steffen Niemann)
Biscuits from the ocean (English/Deutsch)
Halftime! We have been on the deep-sea research ship Sonne for a month now and even though the initial excitement of the expedition has slowly eased, it has not yet become boring for me in any way. I am the youngest participant on board and this is not only my first scientific voyage, but also […]
Looking into the past to learn about the future (English)
Why do we send a ship with 70 people aboard to the middle of the North Pacific? The main aim of cruise SO264 is to learn about the paleoceanography (oceanic properties and circulation of the past) and the paleoclimatology (climatic parameters and patterns of the past) of the Northwest Pacific. While learning about the climate […]
This is your Captain speaking – Videolog Folge/Episode 1 (Deutsch/English Subtitles)
Captain Oliver Meyer speaks about the particularities of the research expedition to the Emperor seamount chain and introduces the crew of the research vessel SONNE. (filmed and edited by Steffen Niemann)
Mud, MUC, and the next episode of Blue Planet! (English/Deutsch)
Approximately one week ago, we started with the first geological station of our cruise through the Pacific Ocean. However, for the non-earth scientists out there, let me set the scene for what this actually entails. You already know from our previous blog posts that during a water station, we sample the water column with a […]
How we “See” the Sea (English/中文/Deutsch)
Have you ever boarded a research vessel? Have you ever been far away from land and explored the Pacific Ocean? Have you ever experienced a wonderful side of nature that you never get to see? Well, here we are. We’ve boarded RV SONNE and started sailing north, leaving the land behind us, and begun our […]
Are we there yet? – The long transit to the emperor seamount chain (English/Deutsch)
Raising our gaze from the working deck over the rails of the ship, we see the sapphire blue sea overspread with small white caps that border the clear blue sky. A warm tropical breeze hangs in the air and it finally occurs to us that, yes, we are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! […]
Week 1 aboard the RV SONNE (English)
Two months at sea. Fiji to Japan. No land, possibly a few far-off ships passing by, and 38 scientists, many of whom are known only to each other through their publications. This was the setting for the beginning of RV SONNE cruise SO264. The anonymity was quickly remedied as we boarded the vessel on June […]
Second Yacht equipped in Auckland
Great News at the Ocean Summit in Hong Kong as the second Team (AkzoNobel) will jump into the Oceans with our Equipment from Leg 7 onwards next to Turn the Tide on Plastic. My talk did cost me my lunch that day as there were so many interested people in our research activities and possible […]