from SO264 EMPEROR Blog

The plankton are calling… (English/Deutsch)

Scientist examines the samples obtained with the Multinet under a microscope. Photo: Jessica Volz, Editing: Steffen Niemann

…from the depth of the ocean. Thousands of microscopic organisms are swimming around, either to catch some food or just hanging out in the currents and enjoying the silence. Planktonic organisms are an important part of the ocean’s ecosystem and during our expedition we want to learn as much as possible about them. Since we […]

from SO264 EMPEROR Blog

Biscuits from the ocean (English/Deutsch)

The sediment from the tubes of the MUC is cut into 1 cm thick slices. Photo: Steffen Niemann

Halftime! We have been on the deep-sea research ship Sonne for a month now and even though the initial excitement of the expedition has slowly eased, it has not yet become boring for me in any way. I am the youngest participant on board and this is not only my first scientific voyage, but also […]

from SO264 EMPEROR Blog

Week 1 aboard the RV SONNE (English)

During the first week, the cruise experienced some rough weather. Photo: Thomas Ronge, editing: Steffen Niemann

Two months at sea. Fiji to Japan. No land, possibly a few far-off ships passing by, and 38 scientists, many of whom are known only to each other through their publications. This was the setting for the beginning of RV SONNE cruise SO264. The anonymity was quickly remedied as we boarded the vessel on June […]