I never thought I would find myself constantly making the point that the topic of my research is the ‘second most important thing’. Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) is now necessary on top of strong emissions reductions in order to reach net zero emissions and keep warming at 1.5℃ above preindustrial levels – and it is […]
Pipefish: Who’s the best dad?
Across the animal kingdom, there is a wide array of ways in which parents care for their offspring. When we think about animals with “good parenting”, we quickly think of close-to-home examples from mammals like ourselves: species in which the female can produce milk to feed her children who stay with their mother for some […]
When volcanoes slide into the sea…
A small mountain stands in the middle of the ocean, a hill, strictly speaking. It is called Anak Krakatau, which roughly means “Child of Krakatau”, because a much larger mountain once stood in its place. Just like its predecessor, the Anak Krakatau can spit fire because it’s a volcano. Whenever it erupts and the lava […]
Rock powder against climate change!
…and what your pasta has to do with it… I am frustrated! Heat waves, wild fires, extreme rainfall, floods, droughts and yet people still claim that climate change is not real. Yes, we are doing stuff, but apparently it is not enough, yet. Drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions alone will not be sufficient anymore to […]