Welcome to the “Ocean Voices” blog series run by doctoral and non-permanent postdoctoral researchers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research and Christian Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany.
Thanks for dropping by!
What is Ocean Voices?
We started this blog series to give researchers at an early stage in their scientific careers a platform to directly voice their opinions and ideas. Here, we link our interests and bring visibility to our work. We, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at CAU and GEOMAR, are linked by our research on our ocean even though we are a diverse bunch with roots from around the world. Hence the name of this blog series, “Ocean Voices”. Would you like to meet the team?
On this blog, you will find people telling their personal stories, highlighting their exciting research and scientific achievements, as well as putting faces to the large, creative and productive community of early career scientists at CAU and GEOMAR.
We publish blog entries every 15th of a month, covering a broad range of topics. If you have any ideas for blog topics, would like to contribute or have any other feedback, please reach out to us! You can also follow us on Instagram, where we announce our blog entries and talk about topics related to the work and life of a young marine researcher.

In addition, we recently launched a cooperation with FYORD, the joint early career researcher network of GEOMAR and CAU that hosts all Master’s and PhD students as well as PostDocs working in the marine science family. As part of this cooperation, on the 1st of every month, we will publish reports from FYORD Travel Grant recipients who share their experience at conferences, exchanges, summer schools and more.
Why you want to contribute!
We are always searching for marine scientists who would like to contribute to Ocean Voices. You don’t need to be an expert author, you don’t even need to have a specific idea in mind: Just get in touch with us, and we will provide you with all the support you need. That includes brainstorming ideas, discussing first drafts, choosing nice pictures, and the final proofreading and layout. After publishing a blog on Ocean Voices, you will receive an official certificate documenting your contribution. If you are enrolled in the CAU SciComm Certificate Program your contribution will be acknowledged. Proof of outreach activities is also a great addition to your CV, so give it a try!
Happy reading!
The Ocean Voices blog team