Oceanography advent calendar? Yes, please!

“Kitchen Oceanography” means doing simple experiments with household items and learning a lot about ocean physics along the way. The “24 days of kitchen oceanography” advent calendar is a perfect way to get involved! From December 1st, there will be daily experiments posted all throughout to the 24th — come over and join in the […]

Alles andere als trockne Theorie: Unser Gastbeitrag bei PerLe

Über eine Lehrinnovation, die auf Kleingruppenarbeit und „hands-on“-Praxiselemente setzte – und was in Zeiten von Covid-19 daraus wurde. Hier ein Repost eines Beitrages, den wir für den “Einfach gute Lehre”-Blog geschrieben haben: In der Lehrveranstaltung „Atmosphären- und Ozeandynamik” im Bachelorstudiengang Physik des Erdsystems wird das theoretische Grundgerüst zum Verständnis der globalen Bewegung von Luft- und […]

When you dare say what everybody else is thinking…

Using “One should really play more!” as title of a presentation in a serious scientific colloquium might seem like a bold move, but the gamble payed off: a large, interested audience including everyone from students to professors enthusiastically dropped ice cubes and food dye in our LEGO-driven rotating tanks and passionately discussed their observations. On […]

12 students, four rotating tables, three experiments and one dog

Yesterday we had four rotating in operation simultaneously, running three different experiments. It’s pretty awesome to be able to bridge spin-up times by just observing what the teams on the neighboring tables are up to, also it’s nice to get a variety of experiments all happening at the same time. Very entertaining and educational indeed! […]

Welcome to the family!

In addition to our four DIYnamics-inspired rotating tanks, we now have a highly professional rotating table with SO MANY options! And also so much unboxing and constructing and trouble-shooting to do before it works. But we finished the first successful test: wanna see some rotating coffee in which milk is added? Then check this out!