From industry to science

„How to move from academia to industry (or to the private sector)?” is a question, that I often hear since I started my doctoral thesis. But before, my question was rather “How do I move from industry to academia?”. In fact, after my studies in geosciences and mining engineering, I didn’t want to engage myself […]

If you don’t try you can’t succeed

Youth nowadays is harder than most people would expect. To be fair not as hard as it was hundreds of years ago or even in the beginning of the 20th century. But exactly that is part of the problem. I mean who really knows what it’s like to grow up with all this rapid development […]

Science is great again

This year a small group of passionate Doctorate Researchers (DRs) had a big role to fulfill, you may call us the DokTeam. After a long time living with Corona, a long time only knowing people from zoom meetings, a long time being at home alone, we had to make the PhD Great Again! We started […]

Ocean Voices: how did it all begin?

Welcome to the “Ocean Voices” blog series run by doctoral and non-permanent postdoctoral researchers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany. Thanks for dropping by! We’ve been looking forward to getting this blog running for a while, and are excited to finally get it going with our first post. As our first post, […]