Dobar dan from Pula, Croatia! A few months ago, nobody even planned that there would be a “Team Croatia”. In fact, all three of us team members – Marie & Franz from Kiel, Germany and Anamarija from Umag, Croatia – were having different plans and never expected to spend the summer together in the wonderful […]
GAME is back in Finland
This year, after a long time, Finland has again become one of the European GAME destinations. While the Finnish teams of previous projects were hosted by the the Zoological Station in Tvaerminne, GAME has now moved a bit more to the north and found a new home in the Åland archipelago. However, Team Finland 2021 […]
We have started!
Despite the challenging circumstances caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, GAME 2021 got off to a successful start and all 12 participants are now about to begin their research on the influence of artificial lighting at night (ALAN) on the food consumption and activitiy patterns of marine benthic grazers at various study sites worldwide. Following […]
Test run for GAME 2021
Although, the coronavirus situation makes all kinds of international exchange and travelling very difficult, we are about to launch a new GAME project. It will certainly be different from what GAME projects used to be in previous years, but we are trying hard to maintain the concept, the philosophy and the spirit of the programme […]
From lions and the jungle to the happiest country in the world: a story of success
Working on our Master’s projects with a view on the Table Mountain in Cape Town (South Africa) and being in the jungle of Penang (Malaysia) was what we, Annika and Luisa, expected for 2020 – until we finally ended up together in the exotic Scandinavian country of Denmark. It turned out to be one of […]
Life in plastic isn’t fantastic
“Moin” everyone from the base of GAME, the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel! We are Alisa Berning and Christin Baensch and together we form Team Kiel. As you might expect, GAME in 2020 is totally different from previous projects. The worldwide COVID-19 pandemic forced us to stay in Germany and conduct our experiment […]
Slowly but surely
Hola and greetings from Vigo, Spain. My name is Jacob, and I have the somewhat unique experience of being an American student in the Biological Oceanography master’s program at GEOMAR, participating in this year’s GAME project. After months of waiting for international travel to once again be possible, I am happy to report that I […]
GAME 2020: Researching the effects of plastic debris on the community level
On Monday March 2nd, the preparation course for the new GAME project will start and also in 2020 the programme will focus again on the effects of plastic litter on marine life. However, while previous research in this field has almost exclusively focused on the impact of macro- or micro-sized debris on single organisms, GAME […]
Last but not least in 2019: The blog from Team South Africa
“Wyneberg, Wyneberg” – a hooting Minibus taxi is racing past us on the way to the upper campus of the University of Cape Town (UCT), a man hangs half out the front-passengers window, smiling and whistling at us. Us being Matthew and Silja, Team South Africa, in short: Team SA, ready to revive the GAME […]
Single but not solitary
Since I learned that the biological effects of microplastics would be the focus of the GAME project in 2019, I was enthusiastic to participate. The effects of microplastics are a subject that I have been studying already in the last years during my undergraduate course in Marine Biology at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) in Niterói, […]