November 2023, I am standing on the big stage in “die Pumpe” an event centre in Kiel. In front of me, there are about 200-250 people, the seats are all occupied and a bunch of people are standing. They are willing to stand for two hours to experience young scientists explaining their research in an […]
Back to school with Rent-a-Scientist 2023
My experience with teaching geophysics to high-school students It all started with a rather inconspicuous email with the subject title: Do you fancy primary schools? I got quite confused. Why would I get such a message? I am not a teacher. Hmm. Luckily, I decided to read the email anyway. It said something about a […]
Science – at the edge of knowledge
One of the biggest realizations during my PhD so far was that doing science means that literally nobody has ever done whatever you are doing. Duh! That’s kind of the point of science, isn’t it? Generating new knowledge? Yes, but I was somewhat unaware of the consequences for me as a scientist. In a nutshell: […]
Why a hackathon has nothing to do with coding!
If you received an invite to a “Hackathon” event – would you sign up for it? Chances are, if you’re not a programmer by training, studied IT or went far down the rabbit hole called modelling for your research, your answer will be thanks for the invitation, but no thanks. “No way!” was my first reaction […]
Science Day 2023: Ocean Voices is more than writing blogs!
Being a scientist involves more than just doing experiments, analyzing problems or sitting in front of the computer, staring at data – it’s also about connecting with other scientists and communicating our work. At OceanVoices, we’re all about creating a space for young ocean researchers to share their experiences and scientific ideas and give them […]
Beneath the Surface: A Glimpse into Our Internship in Marine Research
Hello dear readers! We are Rania and Mélanie, two 21 year old students studying geophysics at l’École et l’Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre in Strasbourg, France. We took our first step into the world of internships this summer at GEOMAR and we’re happy to share this experience with you! Strasbourg being far from any […]
The Second Sight of Science
I was probably about thirteen years old. I wanted to put pasta into a pot of boiling water, when I suddenly stopped and stared at the bubbling liquid. It’s not like I had never seen boiling water before, but I had never seen it like this. Instead of just noticing the movement and the steam […]
A New Beginning: Embracing Parenthood and Academic Pursuits
Some people say family and a scientific career are not a good match, others say there is no better time to become a mother than during your PhD. Follow along as we, Katharina and Kim, share our journey of balancing motherhood and continuing our doctoral research project. How it all began: Katharina: Since I was […]
When Marine Science Meets Art: Deep Sea Light
‘What we know is a drop, what we do not know is an ocean.’ – Isaac Newton. Marine science and art together – can that work at all? And what exactly is supposed to come out of it? With these questions in mind and a portion of scepticism, this spring I was on my way […]
Welcome to FYORD – Foster Young Ocean Researcher Development
Are you an early career marine researcher looking for a community that supports and empowers you in your career? Check out FYORD – Foster Young Ocean Researcher Development! Jointly established by Kiel Marine Sciences (KMS) at Christian Albrechts University and GEOMAR – Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel, FYORD is an interdisciplinary program designed to […]