« La tempête a béni mes éveils maritimes. Plus léger qu’un bouchon j’ai dansé sur les flots Qu’on appelle rouleurs éternels de victimes, Dix nuits, sans regretter l’oeil niais des falots » D’abord, la couleur de l’eau. Grise. Ensuite, la couleur du ciel. Gris. Le soleil est levé depuis plusieurs heures, mais ce matin il est difficile […]
Von Wolkentüchern und Böenwalzen – Der WetterBericht von M133
Schönes Wetter ist genauso wichtig für die Stimmung an Bord, wie unsere super gute Verpflegung. Aber auch als Meteorologin ist es mir leider nicht möglich, immer die passenden Zutaten in der Wetterküche zu finden und jeden Tag Sonne und spiegelglatte See auf die Wetterkarte zu schreiben. Doch eine gute Vorhersage, so dass man sich auf […]
The Beginning of Everything
Since I can remember I always had a certain fascination with water. Playing with the water hose in summer and producing rainbows as well as enjoying the fresh and cool sensation while swimming in a lake or the ocean. The pure experience of water as liquid, in rivers, lakes and the ocean, as crystalline in […]
The beauty of life on water
There are many things that make life at sea special; from the people, the science, food, an indefinite supply of chocolate to being nicely rocked to sleep each night (for those who do not suffer from sea sickness). However, on those days where the sun is shining and our 3 bird companions are trailing behind, […]
What are they doing!?
Hi, my name is Flippy; and me and my buddies have been following this ship for weeks now, but it is still confusing us. What are these people doing? As a young and unexperienced bird of the high seas we learned that it is great to follow these floating metal things, ships they call them. […]
Ocean science from a life scientist’s point of view – the M133 SACROSS cruise
Before I had the chance to participate in the M133 SACROSS cruise, the ocean, in particular, the Atlantic Ocean, was already fascinating, beautiful and somewhat mysterious. Despite lectures, movies, animations, etc. regarding several aspects of physical, chemical and biological oceanography, I could not quite imagine how experiments of measuring the ocean on a research vessel […]
The Azure Main can be moody from time to time
Four days into the new year we will finally reach the coast of South America today. This concludes the Atlantic transect of the RV Meteor, and from now on we will follow a southward route to study the Malvinas Current along the coastlines of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. Unfortunately, this also means that we are […]
Año nuevo en el gran azul
Luego de más de dos semanas de navegacion, llegó el año nuevo a nuestro buque-hogar. Recibimos el 2017 de una manera muy especial, brindando en la cubierta del METEOR entre sonrisas y deseos de felicidad para todos. Un comienzo de año muy atipico pero hermoso, con olor a mar. Despedimos al 2016 cantando y riendo, […]
Um embarque diferente
Bom, quem me conhece sabe que estar no mar não é novidade, mas estar em um navio alemão, passar as festas de fim de ano (e não estar responsável pelo equipamento de CO2 hehehe) são pontos bastante diferentes nessa minha vida de oceanógrafa. A experiência tem sido incrível! Estou aproveitando a oportunidade de participar desse […]
Ich kann auf M133 ein kleines Fahrtjubiläum feiern, meine zehnte Forschungsfahrt (vier davon mit der METEOR). Auf allen Fahrten war ich mit der Planktonprobennahme und dem Auslesen von Planktonproben beschäftigt. Obwohl die Tätigkeiten somit immer sehr ähnlich waren, sind es die Beobachtungen die man dabei machen kann nicht. Es vergeht keine Fahrt auf der man […]