Location, Location, Location

Fig 1: Working area of SO268. For more information see below.

Working areas and sampling sites during cruise SO268 of RV SONNE by Timm Schoening (GEOMAR) and Peter Urban (GEOMAR) RV SONNE cruise SO268-2 followed in the footsteps of the first leg of this expedition – SO268-1. We continue to sample the diverse seafloor in two main working areas within the Clarion-Clipperton-Zone (North-East Pacific). Our scope […]

Schätze der Tiefsee / Treasures of the Deep

Manganknollen aus dem deutschen Lizenzgebiet in der CCZ. (Abb 1)

(English below) Manganknollen – Entstehung und wirtschaftliche Relevanz von Jessica Volz, Sophie Paul und Julia M. Otte Während der ersten globalen Forschungsexpedition der HMS Challenger in den 1870er Jahren wurde das große Ressourcenpotential der Tiefsee deutlich. An Bord der HMS Challenger wurden zahlreiche unbekannte marine Organismen sowie mineralische Konkretionen vom pazifischen und atlantischen Meeresboden, die […]

SO268: What’s up on the seabed?

Manganese nodules with a sponge in the Clarion Clipperton Zone. Photo: ROV KIEL 6000/GEOMAR

At the bottom of the Ocean, in ~4000m water depth they can be found in high abundances: Manganese nodules. Industry and states are interested in these potato-sized objects as a new metal resource. But before commercial mining will start, the potential ecological impacts need to be investigated. Therefore, the project MiningImpact (funded through JPI Oceans) […]

Traces of life

Antje Boetius, Autun Purser, Yann Marcon   During this 4-week expedition we have been very busy with studying traces of human activity at depth on scales of centimeters to kilometers. There was so much to be learned from this study site at 4150 m water depth. But it is important to remember that the ploughing […]

CUBEs – Why do we place ‘mini’-houses on the seafloor?

It may not always be easy to see, but the deep seafloor is teeming with life! Microbes and worms live inside the sediment and large sea cucumbers crawl over the sediment. This life will probably be heavily disturbed if the industry gets permission to collect manganese nodules and remove or plough through the top layer […]

Testing new technology: Underwater Hyperspectral Imager

Being able to test brand new technology is always exciting. The Ecotone Scientific UHI (Underwater Hyperspectral Imager) brought from NTNU in Norway was finished only a week before the Sonne disembarked from Guayaquil. It is the first UHI to be designed for deep sea use (6000m). Any untested equipment will present some initial challenges. During […]