by Henko de Stigter (Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, NIOZ) Until somebody came up with the idea of mining polymetallic nodules from the abyssal depths of the Pacific Ocean, this place was one of the remotest and quietest on our planet. Far away from the brute natural forces of storms, floods, landslides, tsunamis and […]
Take the chance / Ergreif die Chance
Impression of our youngest scientist (deusch s.u.) Hi, my name is Ann-Kathrin Weßels and I study Biology. I am currently working at the DZMB in Wilhelmshaven at my Bachelor Thesis. I took the chance and left daily life behind for two months for my biggest adventure so far. Thursdays 21st of march: After a brief […]
A small world between grains / Eine kleine Welt zwischen den Sandkörnern
by Dr. Sven Rossel, Katja Uhlenkott und Ann-Kathrin Weßel (deutsch s.u.) “Ah, you’re playing with mud again.” That is something biologists and geologists hear quite often on board. And yes, we are one of the parties “playing with mud”. But actually we, the biologists from Senckenberg, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research, are not interested […]
SO268: What’s up on the seabed?
At the bottom of the Ocean, in ~4000m water depth they can be found in high abundances: Manganese nodules. Industry and states are interested in these potato-sized objects as a new metal resource. But before commercial mining will start, the potential ecological impacts need to be investigated. Therefore, the project MiningImpact (funded through JPI Oceans) […]