Auf der Jagd nach den Wirbeln – Die #MOSESeddyhunt startet / The #MOSESeddyhunt starts

Die anrückenden Eddies schon im Blick: Der GEOMAR Navigator zeigt den Kurs von autonomen Geräten und Anomalien an der Meeresoberfläche. / Monitoring the approaching eddies-the GEOMAR Navigator shows the course of autonomous devices and sea surface anomalies

(English version below) Langsam wird es spannend. Forscherinnen und Forscher aus Kiel, Geesthacht, Kaiserslautern, Bremen, Aachen sowie von den kapverdischen Inseln legen derzeit im tropischen Nordostatlantik ihre Daten-Netze aus. Netze, in denen sie einen Eddy fangen wollen. Am besten sogar mehrere. Eddy? Wer – oder was – ist das eigentlich? Also, bevor wir die Jagd […]

It’s official: the OSCM is fully operational!

Opened the OSCM for scientific operation (from left to right): Prof. Dr. Martin Visbeck (GEOMAR), Carlos Évora Rocha (National Director of Maritime Economy of the Republic of Cabo Verde), Pedro Gregorió Lopes Filho (architect), Prof. Dr. Arne Körtzinger (GEOMAR), Dr. Osvaldina Silva (President of the INDP), Augusto Neves (Mayor of São Vicente), Cordula Zenk (GEOMAR), Carlos Santos (Honorary Consul of Germany), Dr. Marie von Engelhardt (German Embassy in Dakar), Dr. Patrice Brehmer (IRD). Photo: Jan Steffen/GEOMAR

The second day of the International Workshop on Marine & Atmospheric Science in West Africa had a more official focus. Today, representatives of the Republic of Cape Verde, among them Carlos Évora Rocha (National Director of Maritime Economy of the Republic of Cabo Verde), Dr. Osvaldina Silva (president of the INDP) and Augusto Neves (mayor […]

The importance of time-series observations

In the morning, Arne Körtzinger and Cordula Zenk welcome all participants of the international workshop. Photo: Jan Steffen/GEOMAR

The first day of the International Workshop on Marine &  Atmospheric Sciences in West Africa saw some very interesting talks on different observatories and long-term measurements in the Atlantic, scientific results gained from these observations and future research ideas. In the morning the focus was on the ocean itself, in the afternoon we moved on […]

Glider survey started…

Right after New Year’s Day a team of GEOMAR and INDP scientists and technicians have successfully deployed a pair of two oceanographic SLOCUM gliders. The two gliders were prepared on land at INDP and later deployed from RV Islandia south of the island of Santo Antao. The two gliders are equipped with a suite of […]

Collecting Saharan dust at Cape Verde

„Why the hell do you go to Cape Verde to collect Saharan dust??“ was the question that Mirja was confronted with several times by the locals at Cape Verde in October. Of course it would be much easier to collect the sand straight from the Sahara desert in one day instead of mounting boxes on […]

Hunting mesoscale eddies

A new multi-facetted and interdisciplinary research project was recently launched at CVOO. The project investigates biogeochemical and ecological processes within mesoscale water masses, so-called eddies, in the vicinity of Cape Verde. Since the establishment of CVOO, long-term mooring-based observations revealed a couple of unexpected biogeochemical and physical anomalies in the upper ocean. Strong hypoxic to […]