The competitive teamplayer – interview with marine biologists Allanah Paul and Kevin Becker

Working in ocean science sometimes resembles tip-toeing through a mine field. On the one hand one is supposed to be a good teamplayer, work together with others and share data to achieve progress. On the other hand one is supposed to be competitive and achieve a high number of scientific publications. Publish or perish.
The competitive teamplayer – how do scientists deal with this seemingly impossible challenge? An interview about a workplace that does not always come with a clear rule book with marine biologists Allanah Paul from project CUSCO and Kevin Becker from project REEBUS.

Author and Host: Ann Kristin Montano

Former scientist who worked long enough in other fields to build up stereotypes about scientists. Now likes to work among scientists to break down the stereotypes. Noticed that her colleagues talk more freely about topics once the recording is over.

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