After 5 months of extremely intense preparations, the cruise SO287-CONNECT finished successfully in Guayaquil (Ecuador) on 11.01.2022, a harbour town in the tropical Pacific, the fourth ocean area we passed during a transit of around 6000 nm (11,000 km) towards this important working area of RV Sonne. After pandemic caused 20 months of work in […]
SO287-CONNECT: Das Tischtennisturnier auf hoher See
english version below Der letzte Tag an Bord. Die ersten von uns haben heute am 11.12.2021 bereits das Schiff in Richtung Heimat verlassen. Der Rest tritt morgen die Rückreise oder den verdienten Urlaub in Quito, der Hauptstadt Ecuadors oder auf den nicht weit entfernten Galapagos Inseln an. Zum Abschied einer Expedition wird traditionell ein Expeditionssticker […]
SO287-CONNECT: Patience is Key
The cruise is coming to an end, and there are 8 days left until we enter the port of Guayaquil. While some of the measurements on board can be read out directly and preliminary interpretations are presented during the cruise, there are also a lot of samples that can only be analyzed in the laboratory […]
SO287 – CONNECT: From the Pacific to the world,
German version below The stars at night are the same, the world keeps turning and (almost) everything remains the same in the rest of the world. But after a 23-day transit between the Northwestern African coast and the Central American coast, with few signs of civilization (only a few cargo-ships at a distance) and a […]
SO287-CONNECT: Ecosystemic Acoustic observation
(deutsche Version unten) Today, I have the opportunity to share on this blog my stay on board of the RV SONNE in which I embarked since the 10/12/2021, since one month after having left two days ago my beautiful and warm country, Senegal. Yes, I spent Christmas and New Year’s Eve at sea, an experience […]
Dissolved Trace Gas Sampling: a Story of Bubble-free Sampling and Egg Trays
Below 1.5° C rise above pre-industrial levels – this is the target global warming limit that scientists argue to hold to for the world to suffer less from the negative impacts of climate change. To achieve this goal, nations must commit not only to limit their carbon dioxide emissions but also other trace gas emissions […]
How many people does it take to launch a balloon?
(deutsche Version unten) Greetings from the Pacific Ocean! We are Sigrid and Jesus, and together we have been working with the weather balloons on board. We launch radiosondes twice a day at stations. The radiosondes measures temperature, humidity, pressure, and position. Occasionally we launch ozone sondes, which is a completely different sonde attached to a […]
Gutes Essen sorgt für gute Laune an Bord
(english version below) Eine Seereise bedeutet nicht nur, interessante Forschung zu betreiben und viele neue Leute kennen zu lernen. Da man bekanntlich etwas mürrisch werden kann, wenn man hungrig ist, kann eine gute und abwechslungsreiche Verpflegung an Bord helfen, um die Stimmung der 39 WissenschaftlerInnen und 30 Crew-Mitglieder aufrecht zu halten. Hier auf der Sonne […]
New year around the clock
Spending Christmas and the new year onboard a research ship is something I have never imagined. I have always thought that Christmas and new year are the times when you spend more time with your family and loved ones. However, this was not the case for us scientists and crew members of the SO287 CONNECT […]
Frohes Neues!
(english version below) Es ist der 1. Januar 2022. Für uns beide ist es das erste Mal Silvester auf einem Forschungsschiff. Weit entfernt von zu Hause, nämlich in der Karibik, haben wir nun zu Silvester nach getaner Arbeit also ganze fünf Mal auf das neue Jahr angestoßen, denn wir haben viele verschiedene Nationen an Bord. […]