Für eine deutsche Übersetzung scrolle man fleißig Due to technical issues we were not able to upload this blog entry until just now. Nontheless, we want to post the last two interviews looking at the electro megnetic measurement as well and they will follow within the next few days. For the last step in our […]
Like a piece of cake
On the way back to the Strait of Gibraltar we had a nice talk with Judith Elger about seismic imaging and of course we don’t want to withhold that from you. Judith is a geophysicist and is currently working as a postdoc at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel. In her project […]
Vibing on the seafloor
Eine deutsche Übersetzung? Gibt’s weiter unten In the next three articles we will take a closer look at seismic methods. Today we want to take look at seismic measurements at the seafloors. Today we talk to Bettina Schramm, geophysicist and PhD student at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, about OBS (Ocean Bottom Seismometers), […]
Grazzi tal-hin sabih
Für eine deutsche Übersetzung, wie immer; scrollenHeading transaltes to “Thank you for the wonderful time” Die Überschrift lässt sich als “Vielen Dank für die wundervolle Zeit” aus dem Maltesischen übersetzen Well, seems like that was that, huh? 22 days off the coast of Malta. Sailing up and down the Maltese coast for more than three […]
it ain’t the sound of silence
Wie gewöhnlich: für eine deutschte Übersetzung weit nach unten scrollen Hydroacoustics is an extremely important part of marine science. That’s why at least one person sits in the hydroacoustics laboratory every day of measurement. With its screen-plastered walls, the laboratory reminds a little bit of a spy center. It allows us to make sure that […]
exploring the water column
Für die deutsche Übersetzung scrollen Dear Friends of Geo- and Marine Sciences,here you have the distinctive pleasure to read Dr. Mark Schmidt explaining the basics of water column analysis. Let’s get to know him and his background first:My name is Mark Schmidt and I am a geochemist in the research unit “Marine Geosystems” at the […]
Hi and bye Bella
Für eine deutsche Übersetzung bitte fleißig durch scrollen. We barely got used to the dramatic background scenery of a fuming volcano when the time to move on had already come. After all, it is not easy to get bored on a research vessel like the RV Sonne.Nonetheless, the time off the Sicilian coast was well […]
Interview Dr. Urlaub
Eine englische Übersetzung befindet sich weiter unten Being so close to Sicily, where the first part of our research in the context with the MAPACT-ETNA project is conducted, this would be a good point in time to have a closer look at the background. And who could give better overview than the leading scientist on […]
In between worlds
مرحبا مجددا y bienvenido de nuevo, This translates to “Hello again” in Arabic, and “welcome back” in Spanish, which we thought would be culturally appropriate to this post, considering we’ve just passed the Strait of Gibraltar, having both Morocco and Spain in sight. Somehow, the bridge’s timing was just right as well, giving us a […]
Off we go & Leinen los
Well, hello there! Nice to have an interested reader like yourself here, on this little blog in the vast space of the world wide web, to read about the long journey of the scientific cruise SO277 aboard RV Sonne. With negative Corona test results at hand, finally, it was time to go to Emden where […]