The first Sunday on board of the RV Meteor

Life-save Meteor

Hello everyone,

today is the first Sunday on board the Meteor. The calm waters are gone and now we taste some real southern open ocean waters. I am on one of the night shifts and we can see the amazing sunrise every day. Sundays on a ship are not like Sundays on land where you can spend some time with family and friends but people on the ship make you feel like you are at home and not to miss your family so much. Johannes invited us to his cabin and we had a little “Sunday at ship”-experience that was great!

Sunrise at the Meteor

Sunrise at the Meteor

I will work on a project on “Ekman transport” and that analyses the interaction of ocean and atmosphere. Wind stress over the surface of the ocean makes ocean move and, when something move on the rotating earth, a force acts on the moving mass, the Coriolis force. The result of the Coriolis force is a deflection of water parcels to the left (right) in the southern (northern) hemisphere. The final result of a constant wind is a net movement of water perpendicular to the wind stress direction called “Ekman transport”. I will calculate Ekman transport along the ship transect across the South Atlantic Ocean. It is a really interesting theme and I hope that we get some good results.

Javier Rabellino

University of the Republic, Montevideo – Uruguay

One thought on “The first Sunday on board of the RV Meteor

  1. 10.03.2016

    Estimado Javier,
    no es muy grato habernos enterado por colegas de la Universidad de Kiel que te encuentras actualmente embarcado en el Meteor. Hemos informado a nuestros socios de tú viaje, nos gustaria recibir de tú persona los informes que publicas en el blog de para difundirlos en nuestro portal.
    Un buen viaje y exitos.

    Dr. Marcos Sommer
    c.electr. particular:

    PD. Agradecemos si nos respondes.

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