First KOSMOS14 Seminar – Ted Packard (ULPGC)

Progress in ocean ecophysiology and biochemical oceanography at the ULPGC Last week in the first KOSMOS-14 seminar, Ted reported on the latest activities of the ULPGC’s Plankton Ecophysiology group and showed how their research can be integrated into the KOSMOS-14 program. This group studies respiration, growth, nitrogen metabolism, and uses these primary measurements to calculate […]

End of experiment

For a moment we were relieved when the storm settled down and our nine mesocosms were still in place heads above surface. But we were anxiously waiting for the divers to carefully inspect our wave-battered mesocosms. Their reports and the underwater video footage they brought back were sobering. The scene below the surface was very […]

Playing yo-yo …..

Precisely as forecasted the wind started to freshen up late afternoon yesterday. Luckily it came straight from the north, which at our mesocosm site allowed for some protection from the hefty wind sea. Not so the swell, which bended round into Melenara Bay. When the sun set, the waves reached up to 3 meters in […]

The acidification of the mesocosms

I was one of the lucky guys to be chosen among all to help with the CO2 addition this last Thursday. What to do? Putting 37 bottles of 25L seawater in the mesocosms. First of all we had to taste the water to check that is was acidified. To be sure I also swallowed it, […]

Meanwhile, at the Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands

The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) is a multi-purpose service centre composed of a set of large infrastructures to support research, technology and innovation in the marine and maritime sector in the North-East Central-Atlantic Ocean. The mission of the centre is to promote long-term observation and sustainability of the ocean. The research facilities […]

kiel canal

Feels great to be on the way to our upcoming KOSMOS campaign. It’s been dead calm today. We’ll see what happens  when we leave the Elbe estuary and enter more saline water.

Off to Gran Canaria

Today, POSEIDON left Kiel for Gran Canaria. Keep your fingers crossed for a smooth sailing and follow her route here. All pictures by Maike Nicolai, GEOMAR