Hello everyone! We have been in Tasmania from April to September of this year and we had an amazing experience, which we would like to share with you. But first, you should know who ‘Team Tasmania’ is. Team Tasmania is composed of Tamina Wosch, a Master’s student studying Technical Biology at the TU Darmstadt in […]
Alongside the ocean, in the land of the rising sun
Welcome to the beautiful Akkeshi Marine Station! As you probably have read in previous blogs, our goal this year is to test whether subtidal marine grazers will change their food preference if water temperature increases. If this is the case, we also want to know if this change is more due to alterations in the […]
Shalom! – Daily adventures of Team Israel
An Israeli saying says ‘The human heart and the seabed are unfathomable’ – This is kind of true but as scientists we are at least trying to discover the ocean and reveal its secrets. To reach that we invest not only a lot of sweat and power but rather a lot of heart! We are this […]
Topic for 2019: Next GAME project will focus on microplastics
The consortium of partner scientists has now decided about the topic for 2019. GAME will focus on microplastics again. This time we want to investigate whether there is a difference in the effects of microplastic particles and natural seston components on benthic filter feeders such as mussels. The experimental approach will be similar to the […]
Hello from (Aqua)Rio
After 3 months since they started their work, Team Brazil has finished the pilot studies of this year´s project, which is about the effects of ocean warming on diet composition in marine invertebrate grazers. But who is Team Brazil? Konstanze, from Germany, is a Marine Biology Master’s student from the University of Rostock and Paula, […]
Hunting snails way out in the Atlantic
After four weeks of intensive planning and discussing in March 2018 with our fellow Gamies (aka GAME students) in Kiel, Team Madeira finally arrived on the island of Madeira in the beginning of April. Who is team Madeira? It is Anne, who is studying Geoecology at the University of Potsdam, and Felicitas, who is studying […]
Gabi Dederer will speak in the GAME alumni talk series
The next speaker in the GAME alumni talk series will be Gabi Dederer who works for WWF Germany. She will speak about derelict fishing gear (aka ghost nets) in the Baltic Sea and the first transnational initiative that seeks to mitigate their negative effects. Gabi participated in GAME in 2008 and she and her team […]
GAME 2018: Grazing in a warmer ocean revisited – will marine invertebrates change their food preferences?
In the last GAME project, the student teams found experimental evidence for the assumption that consumption rates of herbivorous invertebrates will increase when the ocean gets warmer. However, their experiment was (like all experiments) somehow limited, since they offered their test animals a mono-diet that did not give them the chance to change their food […]
Olá da equipa de Portugal!
So in this year’s Portugal GAME project, we are Joana from Lisbon, Portugal, and Katrin from Munich, Germany! We worked together on the beautiful island of Madeira and here is our tale of our time there! Joana is a Marine Ecology Master who heard about this project from a former advisor in her favourite area […]
MIDDLE EAST TIMES – News from Israel
Shalom, we are Luisa and Erez – Team Israel 2017! Luisa is a master student from Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main and Erez is a PhD Student from Haifa University. Our working place for the six months in Israel was the Marine Community Ecology Lab which is part of the “Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research”. The […]