20th anniversary of GAME

Last Friday, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of the GAME program. It was a day full of joy, words of gratitude, memories and positive intentions for the future.  But let’s start from the beginning. In the afternoon, German GAME alumni were invited to participate in a networking workshop. It provided the chance to get to […]


This is a Japanese greeting that is used when Japanese meet someone for the first time and introduce themselves. We are team Japan from the Akkeshi Marine Station (AMS). Akkeshi is a small town that is located in the east part of Hokkaido. It has a port and is surrounded by a unique wetland terrain and a brackish lagoon that […]

Spotlight on and greetings from the southeastern Pacific coast!

The GAME team in Chile is composed of Dario and Javier. We are currently conducting the main experiment that seeks to elucidate how artificial light at night (ALAN) affects the behavior of blue mussels. In Chile, we are working with the endemic and commercially important species Mytilus chilensis. However, our project also considers the effects of […]

66° North – Between light pollution & midnight sun

Sæl og blessuð! Velkomin tíl Ísafjarða. Happy and blessed! Welcome to Ísafjörður. That’s the formal greeting you hear in Iceland, the land of fire and ice. GAME is more than happy to finally cooperate with the partner institution in the Westfjords, incorporating a sub-arctic environment into the Global Approach by Modular Experiments. And what an […]

A slow start & sunny days in Husö, Finland.

We are Carmen (DE) and Sofia (FI), and together, we make up Team Finland 2022. Team Finland is working on the Åland islands at the Husö Biological Station, which belongs to Finland’s only Swedish-speaking University, Åbo Akademi University. The GAME topic of 2022 is the effect of artificial light at night (ALAN) on mussels, and […]