Having enjoyed the highly enriching summer school on coastal hazards together with young colleagues from altogether four continents, I have now finally fulfilled my promise : My blog on Humanities and Ocean Research has just been published on oceanblogs.org. On this blog, you will find a number of pages that explain why and in which […]
Summer School Coastal Hazards, Days 4-5
During the two last days (Sept. 19.-20.), lectures were given by the internationally renowned fluvial delta specialists Prof. Yoshiki Saito and Prof. James Syvitski. Prof. Saito presented a detailed overview of delta definitions to us, illustrated by numerous classification diagrams bases on different parameters such as waves, tides, sediment inputs and grain size. Widespread literature […]
Summer School Coastal Hazards, Day 3
On wednesday, another field trip led us to the Baltic Sea coast east of Kiel, giving us the opportunity to visit a number of interesting spots between Kieler Förde and Ostholstein. The on-site presentations by Karl Stattegger, professor for geology at Kiel University, gave insight in sea level-dynamics, sediment transport and coastal protection measures in […]
Summer School Coastal Hazards, Day 2
So the visit to Büsum was great, nice typical Northern German weather (windy, dark clouds and sun shine resulting in nice contrasted landscape). The director of the FTZ, Roberto Mayerle, made a very interesting presentation of the institution and scientific programs going on (modelling of the wave propagation and water level generated by storm surges). […]
Summer School „Coastal hazards“, Day 1
Monday morning 9am, in the Seminar room of the Geology Department: 20 PhD students and Post-Docs from all over the world have come together to participate at the summer school „Coastal hazards“. The R06 arm of the „Future Ocean“ Excellence Cluster has invited local experts as well as international scientists to talk about a large […]
Start of Summer School “Coastal Hazards”
Today, the international Summer School “Coastal Hazards” conducted by the Cluster of Excellence “Future Ocean” started at Kiel University. 23 young scientists from around the world first came together at the Institute of Geosciences, receiving an introduction from Dr. Andreas Kortenhaus of TU Braunschweig’s Leichtweiß-Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources on coastal flood risk […]