+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ All good things come to an end and so is the Archimedes-I cruise. For 48 days, 39 scientists and 31 crew members were onboard of the RV Sonne, cruising the Lau Basin in the south-west Pacific. The cruise was one of a kind because in […]
The end of the ARCHIMEDES-I cruise is near
+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ On the RV Sonne, still in the southwest Pacific, times are changing. The storms that plagued us in the first week of January seem to have left the area for now. The sun is dominating the sky now. With less than a week on the […]
The Archimedes-I cruise: A short look back to more than 110 years of interdisciplinary geo-research in Polynesia
+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ And there are always tracks, and always someone has been there before,and always someone has climbed higher than you ever could,much higher. Don’t be discouraged, climb, climb. But there is no summit.And there is no fresh snow. Kurt Tucholsky, 1931 As it happens, we are […]
Research at sea: a (wo)man’s business
+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ Ever since we started sailing around the world, being at sea was considered a man’s job. According to the International Labour Organisation only 1-2% of seafarers are women today. So how did this come to be and where are we heading? Let’s dive into some […]
The Archimedes-I cruise: In the eye of the storm
+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ As soon as we cheered upon 2019, the weather changed. Up until then, we had sunny days, gentle waves and warm, humid nights. But now we are in the middle of the cyclone season. Did you know that a cyclone, a hurricane and a typhoon […]
Staying fit onboard of a research vessel: 5 tips and tricks
+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ The holidays are always a difficult time to do your regular exercises. Especially on a research vessel, where everyone has different shifts, it can be quite hard to keep up with your regular workout schedule. Even though the shifts may be physically active and taking […]
The ARCHIMEDES-I cruise: full of surprises
+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ The busy days of OBS deployment and recovery are long passed. We recovered the last station on the 21st of December and all the 48 stations are now standing happily on the deck in the back of the vessel, waiting for their next deployment. The […]
A running start on the ARCHIMEDES-I cruise
+++ Für die deutsche Version bitte nach unten scrollen +++ Let’s start with some good news: the lost luggage we were all so worried about arrived on time and so complete in terms of scientists and material we left the harbour of Suva in broad day light with lots of sunshine. There was no time […]
ARCHIMEDES-I cruise: ready for take-off
+++ Für die deutsche Version, bitte nach unten scrollen +++ On the 10th of December 2018, 39 scientists with 7 different nationalities safely embarked the German research vessel RV ‘SONNE’. The harbour of embarkment, Suva, Fiji, is for most scientists literally the other side of the world. There are many roads that lead to Fiji. […]