Great News at the Ocean Summit in Hong Kong as the second Team (AkzoNobel) will jump into the Oceans with our Equipment from Leg 7 onwards next to Turn the Tide on Plastic. My talk did cost me my lunch that day as there were so many interested people in our research activities and possible […]
NYE – Leg 4 to Hong Kong Starts Tomorrow
What a great and fascinating Leg from Cape Town to Melbourne we can look back on. The whole fleet arrived in the Melbourne Docklands. The team was able to take care of our scientific unit despite the extreme conditions and swell. As you can see from the next plot we already acquired a big chunk […]
Sailing in Cape Town and Happy Christmas in Melbourne
Cape Town is a wonderful place to visit. The persons i met were nice and the food was great. Besides, the beautiful landscape there was the opportunity for Dr. Toste Tanhua to experience the real Volvo Ocean Race yacht. This was a short recreation time next to the great chance of lots of interviews and […]
Leg3 Cape Town to Melbourne and the Southern Ocean
The first preliminary results were presented by Dr. Toste Tanhuas Talk on the Ocean Summit in Cape Town got some audience, which listened. The system itself was full functional with minor maintenance needed. Some minor things as a loose screw and precautionary exchange of a small pump after more than roughly 9150 nautical miles were […]
Cape Town in Sight
Our system has already been working since the start of the Volvo Ocean Race at the 22.Oct.2017 (Leg1 Alicante to Lisbon) and the race is close to the finish Leg2. Follow the race. Our setup runs on the yacht “Turn the Tide on Plastic” with the Skipper Dee Caffari, Liz Wardley supporting us with the […]
Volvo Ocean Race Science Project or the Long Way Round
The project “Observing the Ocean from Race Yachts CP1756” of Dr. Toste Tanhua (GEOMAR) and Dr. Stefan Raimund (SubCtech) were funded by the Future Ocean Excellence Cluster for new techniques and my PostDoc Position to measure Ocean properties from Volvo Ocean 65 (LWL 20 m) yachts. Who am i, you are asking? I am Sören […]