We would dive for you

Introducing the dive team comes a bit late, but we have the best excuse, we were under water.

If you look down from the boat into the water you already get an impression, how great the visibility is.


Guess what it is even better to be inside.


Of course we have to focus most of the time on our job to do under water, which means in the beginning attaching the sediment-traps to close the mesocosms. Meanwhile it is more about checking ropes, sediment-tubes and mesocosm bags, so no unnecessary surprise comes around.

We also filled the buoyancy tanks on the frame to get the mesocosms a bit higher up to prevent them from taking water from waves; comparing to spring this risk is really low right now, since it is almost like a dug pond in Gando Bay.


Every now and then you find time to have a look around and it is just amazing, regularly you have a school of sardines close to you, rays swimming on the ground (~20m) and occasionally bigger fish like great amberjacks come around.


The bottom is sandy, covered sparsely with eelgrass and you see structures left behind like fish cages and car tires, which are attracting attention of lizard-,puffer- fishes and all kinds of breams.

But of course we are doing our job, while having fun.

Your KOSMOS DIVE TEAM (Giannina, Henning, Carsten, Christian, Matze K, Matze H, Jan C, Micha)