Your career. Magister degree; a research project in media education (2 years); own business; PhD-grant, combined with teaching job in Kiel University of Applied Sciences; Professorship at Kiel University of Applied Sciences. Please describe briefly your family commitments. I have 2 children (11 and 8 years old). They are educated by me and assisted by […]
“WORK AND FAMILY: SHARING THE CARING”- marine biologist Anke Kremp
What is the nature of your work? I am a marine biologist and phytoplankton ecologist doing independent research at the Finnish Environment Institute. As a Senior Research Scientist, I lead a research group and manage and coordinate different research projects. Together with interns, Master’s and PhD students, post-docs and project scientists I perform experiments and […]
Sharing the caring: Senior Lecturer Sebastian Sobek
Nature of your work. Senior Lecturer at Uppsala University. Research and teaching. Leading a research team of about 10 persons, and supervising their work. Administration. Career as a researcher. 2005 PhD in Sweden (Uppsala University). 2006-2009 Post-doc in Switzerland (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), and Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology […]
“Work and Family: sharing the caring”- postdoctoral scientist Lisa Neef
Nature of her work. Dr. Lisa Neef is a post-doctoral scientist in a research group that specializes in disentangling natural climate variations from the effects anthropogenic global warming at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research. Her work, in particular, focuses on climate simulations that are constrained by observed data, that is, simulations where the wind, […]