About Baltic Gender

“Behind the Science” Blog

Baltic Gender (www.baltic-gender.eu) is a project  that brings together eight scientific institutions in five countries around the Baltic Sea to work on reducing gender inequalities in Marine Science and Technology. The project responds to the need for creating policies and implementing measures at the institutional level with the aim of harvesting the full human capital for the needs of marine research.

The blog “Behind the Science” aims to bring personal stories of scientists, technicians and other support staff to life. The blog consists of two series with distinct aims.

The series “Women in Marine Science and Technology” portrays outstanding female marine scientists / technicians at different career stages (early career to leading positions) and highlights their achievements as a role model for others. The portrays are compiled by the Lithuanian project partner, the Klaipèda University.

The series “Work and Family: sharing the caring” describes the experiences of researchers in sharing the care of children and elderly in the family (e.g., between working parents). By doing so, it aims to raise awareness for a family-friendly working culture. The series is authored by the Estonian project partner, the Estonian Marine Institute.



Baltic Gender (“Baltic Consortium on Promoting Gender Equality in Marine Research Organisations”)

Coordination Office

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Marine Meteorology, (West Shore Campus)
Düsternbrooker Weg 20, Room 417
D-24105 Kiel, Germany


Project manager: Başak Kısakürek Ibsen
e-mail: baltic-gender@geomar.de


This project is funded by the EU (GA No. 710363)

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