SCI.VI.-Gastvortrag von Dr. Felicia Brisc zum Thema “Scientific Visualization in Climate Sciences” am 22. Mai 2014 an der MKH

Gemeinsam mit dem Integrated Marine Postdoc-Network (IMAP) lädt der Forschungsschwerpunkt SCI.VI. alle Interessierten ganz herzlich zum Vortrag von Dr. Felicia Brisc (Universität Hamburg, Institut für Meeresforschung) ein. Frau Dr. Brisc spricht zum Thema “Scientific Visualization in Climate Sciences”. Der Vortrag findet im Rahmen des Seminars „Science meets Art: Wissenschaft anders vermitteln“ statt. Das Plakat zum Vortrag finden Sie hier, weitere Informationen auf der offiziellen SCI.VI.-Website unter Dates and Events.

// Wann: Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014, 15.00 Uhr
// Wo: Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, Raum L.00.09
// Referentin: Dr. Felicia Brisc


Dr. Felicia Brisc (University of Hamburg, Institute of Oceanography) will give insights into the scientific visualization of data in Climate Sciences. Dr. Brisc is a member of the integrated team ‘3D-visualization’ of the Cluster of Excellence ‘CLiSAP’, Hamburg, where she is responsible for 3D visualization, remote sensing and assimilation. With increasing computer power, climate simulations and observations generate increasingly large data sets. Often the size, complexity and temporal variations make it challenging to understand the data efficiently. In this context, scientific visualization refers to a collection of techniques that enable mapping data onto visual elements, with the goal to provide effective understanding and insight into this data. This lecture will introduce participants to the key role played by visualization in the scientific discovery and communication workflows. Dr. Brisc will address the following topics:

  • History and color theory
  • Visual metaphors
  • Visualization software, resources and technical challenges
  • State-of-the-art visualization techniques
  • Display methods and devices – from computer screen to virtual and immersive 3D worlds