
Two days ago 25 scientists from the Kristineberg research station went to the local beaches armed with plastic bags and gloves on a very special mission: collect as much trash as you can!


Spring Day 2013, Photo: Maren Stumm, Uni Oldenburg

Everybody who had a little of his or her precious time spare met in the morning at the reception for 2013 Spring Day (“Vårdagen”). Along with the party were also a few KOSMOS members from our experiment. We started with the most trashy beaches and worked hard until lunch with only a short break for “fika”. To keep people motivated all the trash was weighed afterwards for statistics – in total we collected 490 kg of trash! This was probably due to the sunny weather and to the good teamwork – great fun!

This project by the Keep Sweden Tidy organization is a public awareness campaign and intends to contribute to the preservation of nature. If you are interested in further information visit the website www.hsr.se or inform yourself about similar projects near you.

Apart from that rainy weather and even a little bit of snow reached Kristineberg this morning. Also, a dozen journalists from the german media are visiting the station who will depart today and there were a lot of interviews given in the morning. Hopefully, we were able to explain our work properly and transported a little of our enthusiasm!

By Maren Stumm