From Science to Solutions
One Planet – One Ocean: From Science to Solutions is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), developed by scientists of the Excellence Cluster “The Future Ocean” in Kiel, Germany and produced in cooperation with the International Ocean Institute (IOI) Malta. The course is to be broadcast in Mid-April on the Educational platform of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network ( Here we blog on the processes leading up to the course – its development, goals and how we hope to achieve them. Stay tuned to our blog in the lead-up to the course, and contribute with your ideas and expectations of this global educational initiative.
Our Massive Open Online Course will provide you a knowledge base that brings to you to the science and fascination of the ocean. Natural scientists team with economists, lawyers and philosophers to bring you a holistic view of how the ocean functions, how human interactions with the ocean can be understood, and what options are available for better stewardship of our blue planet.
Find more information and enroll on our website:
- GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
- University of Kiel, Germany
- International Ocean Institute, Malta
- Excellence Cluster “The Future Ocean”, Kiel, Germany
- and the
- Sustainable Development Solutions Network Association, New York.
About Us:
Prof. Martin Visbeck was asked in early 2015 by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) to contribute an Ocean MOOC to their global educational outreach initiative SDSNedu. Martin is a Physical Oceanographer at GEOMAR and the University of Kiel, who pushes integrated, multidisciplinary research and contributes to national and global initiatives on sustainable ocean use and management. Martin is speaker of the Excellence Cluster “The Future Ocean” in Kiel, Germany and member of the leadership council of the National SDSN for Germany.
Dr. Avan Antia is scientific editor and coordinator of the MOOC. She is a marine biogeochemist and head of the Integrated School of Ocean Sciences (ISOS), the postgraduate platform of the Excellence Cluster “The Future Ocean”. Through extensive involvement in research and teaching she likes nothing better than putting together knowledge and understanding to distill nuggets of insight. It seems the years of pestering students and doctoral candidates to think and and communicate “in a nutshell” has pre-destined her for involvement in this “massive” course.
Avan Antia