It’s all a matter of taste

a matter of taste KOSMOS Bergen mesocosms ocean acidification

Our station is full of high-tech equipment. And all of the machines have really fancy names. Just to mention some of them: There are the Accuri and Cytosense, two flow cytometers to count the smallest organisms in the ocean. Just next door you can find the QuAAtro, an autoanalyzer for nutrients, or the Airica, which […]

Every mesocosm needs a hoody!

Installing a roof on a KOSMOS mesocosm

In my opinion, our mesocosm only look complete with their hoody! Fortunately for me, a roof does not only serve an estathic purpose and we have to take the effort to install them before closing the mesocosm bags. It rains a lot in Bergen. You might have heard about Bergen being Europe’s rainiest city? I […]