For those enjoying the first warming rays of the sun in Kristineberg it may have escaped your notice that an historic threshold has just been crossed in Hawaii. The first records above 400 µatm have been made in Mauna Loa. Not to be outdone we have looked at some of our recent data courtesy of GEOMAR’s wonderful (dare I say expensive) ppm machine and low and behold Kristineberg has also got into the picture and record books perhaps:
As you can see in the famous cod fish tanks we had control levels also over the 400 µatm levels. This should give us food for thought for the future. Picture courtesey of the Monterey Satellite Symposium on Yellowfin Tuna Reproduction. Anyone interested in his bigger brother the Bluefin Tuna please see ARTE on Thursday evening 22:30. 23rd May. (Not a cod in sight)
Just to show you that things can improve and spring has now arrived here is the “Hobo” (no it’s not a tramp, this is a temperature and light sensor) data from our measurement post outside the lab:
As you all know it gets pretty cold at night as can bee seen from the temperatures but the good news is day length is slowly increasing so it’s not so long now until Dana´s wishes come true.” Page 3 Girl in the Sun”?. Springs threshold has also been crossed but please tell someone up there!!!! Best wishes from the Southern Wet Lands!!!