Harvest, part one

Over the daily routine of collecting samples, nursing fish larvae, maintaining the mesocosms, filtering tons of water, counting plankton, analysing data and maaaaaaybe going to the sauna in the evenings, the memory of our little media invasion must have become blurred for the KOSMOS 2013 team at Kristineberg.
Back in Kiel, I am still enjoying harvest time, handling photos, films and some extra information, collecting links and pdf files.  Every story brings back memories of an amazingly interested group of visitors and a wonderful scientific crew eager to show and explain things.

So, here’s the first part of the harvest, freshly picked from the internet:

Deutschlandfunk Forschung aktuell
“Meeresbewohner im Stress-Test”
by Christine Westerhaus

Deutschlandfunk Forschung Aktuell
“Ozean im Säurestress”
by Christine Westerhaus

rbb Inforadio
“Prinzlers Forschungsreise zum Gullmarfjord”
by Thomas Prinzler

rbb Inforadio
“Der Mesokosmos ist eine Welt für sich”
by Thomas Prinzler

rbb Inforadio
“Von sauren Ozeanen und Schätzen am Meeresboden”
by Thomas Prinzler

Stuttgarter Zeitung
“Eine Reise zum Ozean der Zukunft”
by Klaus Zintz

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen
“Ozean im Stresstest”
by Katrin Zöfel

Deutschlandradio Kultur
Radiofeuilleton Wissenschaft und Technik
“Ozean im Stresstest”
by Katrin Zöfel

Yale Environment 360
“A Key Experiment to Probe the 
Future of Our Acidifying Oceans”
by Peter Friederici

sh:z Journal
“Zeitmaschine in den Ozean der Zukunft”
by Merle Bornemann

News in Focus
“Floating tubes test sea-life sensitivity”
by Hristio Botchev

By Maike Nicolai